A bug in JP-0005, Part1 DCOR1

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Fri Dec 11 05:32:44 CET 2009

I found an error in the disposition of DR 08-0002.

In 29050-1:2007, a complex type CT_Camera appears in three places:
M., A.4.1, and schema attachment files.  M. incorrectly
specifies "100000" as the default, while the other two correctly
specify "100%" as the default.

The DCOR1 mistakenly replaced "100000" in A.4.1 by "100%", although 
"100000" does not appear in A.4.1. 

Japan (JP-0005) correctly pointed out that this replacement is
incorrect, but failed to point out that M4.6.2.2 has to be changed.

We have to revise our response to JP-0005 and revise the schema
fragment in M.


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