PLEASE PROOF: Draft AMD Set 1 for 29500

rjelliffe at rjelliffe at
Tue Jul 7 06:08:01 CEST 2009

> Attached are the 2 Draft Technical Corrigenda (for Parts 1 and 4), nearly
> a
> week ahead of schedule. Please proof them and send any comments to this
> email list as soon as possible. The plan is to review and, hopefully,
> close-out and approve these on the phone call of July 23.

Sorry if I am missed it, but the draft Amendment seems to use only the old
URIs for relationships.

For example, change 98 (p21/ PDF p32) s9.11.1 specifies extra linking
relationships, but these are all in terms of old relationship identifiers.

For strict, these certain should use the new relationship URIs.*

Rick Jelliffe

* In fact, I think these constraints should be expressed in a Schematron
schema and not in mere text at all, for example:

<sch:schema ....>
   <sch:phase id="strict">
      <sch:active pattern="strict-relationships" />

   <sch:phase id="transitional">
      <sch:active pattern="transitional-relationships" />

   <sch:pattern id="strict-relationships">
       <!-- $relsFile is a parameter of the document validation -->
       <sch:let name="relationships" value="document( $relsFile )" />

       <sch:rule context="w-s:contentPart">
           <sch:assert test=
            "$relationships//r:relationship[@id = current()/@r:id]/@type =
           The value of the id attribute of a contentPart element
           should specify a customXml part, according to Part 1 s9.11.1.


   <sch:pattern id="transitional-relationships">
       <!-- $relsFile is a parameter of the document validation -->
       <sch:let name="relationships" value="document( $relsFile )" />

       <sch:rule context="w-t:contentPart">
           <sch:assert test=
            "$relationships//r:relationship[@id = current()/@r:id]/@type =
           The value of the id attribute of a contentPart element
            should specify a customXml part.



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