DR 10-0027 — WML: Unreadable figures

Chris Rae Chris.Rae at microsoft.com
Tue Aug 3 01:00:53 CEST 2010


This DR concerns the readability of several images in 17.6.5.

It’s true that the East Asian characters in these images are not themselves readable, but the image is only intended to show layout format and I think they're eminently understandable for the purposes of that goal. The second of the three images is intended to show Latin characters inline with East Asian characters, and that's quite distinguishable from the image as well.

Increasing the quality of images in the standard where it's not required will bloat the file size and, given that the PDF download is already 40Mb, I think we ought to say these images are adequate for the purpose they're intended and reject this DR.


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