DR 09-0295 — WML: gridCols measurement units

Chris Rae Chris.Rae at microsoft.com
Tue Aug 24 00:32:06 CEST 2010


This DR covers the fact that measurements units (a feature added to several elements at the BRM) are optional on the elements to which they apply, and requests that they are made mandatory. There's a core assumption that it was the intent of the BRM to make these attributes mandatory - I've done as much research as I could and as far as I can see the BRM voted on a proposal (written up by Tristan and Rex) which incorporated optional attributes but maintained the existing Ecma-376 measuring system as a default, if no units were specified. This is how the standard is written at the moment.

Aside from the BRM debate, I'm not in favour of taking the modifications proposed this DR. There seems to be no inherent disadvantage to having default units for particular measurements, and I think it makes the migration path from transitional to strict implementations harder for no obvious technical benefit.

Your thoughts,


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