Part 3 of a new multi-part standard: Character repertoire checking

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Thu Feb 3 04:16:52 CET 2011

> > Did Japan have any further thoughts on the Kihon-Hanmen side of the NWIP? I think we left it in Beijing as
>"more thought required" given its part-existence in 29500 but I don't
>have my notes here so I might be wrong.
> We will have a meeting tomorrow.

Yesterday, we discussed about this topic.  

First, @charSpace appears to be present only when the value is not zero. 
This has to be made exlicit.

Second, iIn the single column, horizontal writing case, 

(pgSz/@w:h - pgMar/@w:top - pgMar/@w:botttom) 

provides the height of kihon-hanmen.  If we divide this by 
docGrid/@w:linePitch, we should get the number of lines.

Note that the line pitch is the sum of Normal font height and 
the line distance, but MS Japan people believe that 29500 
incorprates the line distance *AFTER* the last line for the kihon-hanmen
height.  This has to be made explicit.

Third, we have not discussed multi-columns yet.

Fourth, we do not get integer values when we compute 
the number of lines per page or the number of characters per line.
In other words, the size of kihon-hanmen computed from these 
values appear to be different  from (pgSz/@w:h - pgMar/@w:top - pgMar/@w:botttom) 
and (pgSz/@w:w - pgMar/@w:right - pgMar/@w:left).
Ishizaka-san of Microsoft Japan has an action item to find out the 
reason of this difference.

Now that we are inclined to create a normative annex to Part 1, I think
that Japan should submit a DR about this and propose required changes.


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