DR 09-0295 — WML: gridCols measurement units

Chris Rae Chris.Rae at microsoft.com
Tue Jan 18 19:39:45 CET 2011


This DR covers the introduction of the mandatory use of measurement units in Strict for the various items that were given optional measurement units at the BRM. We agreed in Beijing to accept the resolution of this DR, and make measurement units mandatory in Strict.

I’ve actually gone ahead and made the proposed changes necessary to both Parts 1 and 4 of the standard. As always with these things, this turned out to be a lot more complex than I expected. The things that I have done are:

* Several sections have to have measurement units made mandatory. Full list follows
* Any restrictions that were specified in the default units have to be re-specified inside the appropriate types
* If the numeric subtypes now have no parents, they should be removed from Part 1
* Everything that I removed from Part 1 has to be re-added back to Part 4

For the general approach on the Part 1 / Part 4 mix, I have patterned the method after that already used in ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent (Part 1, §17.18.11) - this is already used to make a type that is a union of only one member in Strict, and then add to that union in Transitional.

The types I've discovered to be unused in Part 1 (and therefore have migrated to Part 4) are:

* ST_CoordinateUnqualified ( (I have migrated the numeric restrictions into the Part 1 prose)
* ST_TextPointUnqualified ( (there are restrictions on this type which were actually covered elsewhere, and so already duplicated in Part 1, so no need to migrate those)

ST_ Coordinate uses EMUs to specify default units. EMUs are already covered elsewhere in the standard (Part 1, § and are used in a few places, so I have added EMUs to the list of measurement units available.

The complete list of elements that are affected by this change is:

* 17.18.42 (ST_HpsMeasure) - referenced by hps at val (§; hpsBaseText at val (§; hpsRaise at val (§; kern at val (§; size at val (§17.16.29); sz at val (§; szCs at val (§

* 17.18.80 (ST_SignedHpsMeasure) - referenced by position at val (§

* 17.18.81 (ST_SignedTwipsMeasure) - referenced by framePr at x (§; framePr at y (§; ind at end (§; ind at left (Part 4, §; ind at right (Part 4, §; ind at start (§; legacy at legacyIndent (§17.9.5); marBottom at val (§; marLeft at val (§; marRight at val (§; marTop at val (§; pgMar at bottom (§17.6.11); pgMar at top (§17.6.11); spacing at line (§; spacing at val (§; tab at pos (§; tblpPr at tblpX (§17.4.58); tblpPr at tblpY (§17.4.58) (ST_Coordinate) - referenced by alphaOutset at rad (§; anchor at x (§; anchor at y (§; anchor at z (§; chOff at x (§; chOff at y (§; colOff (§; effectExtent at b (§; effectExtent at l (§; effectExtent at r (§; effectExtent at t (§; flatTx at z (§; gridCol at w (§; lineTo at x (§; lineTo at y (§; norm at dx (§; norm at dy (§; norm at dz (§; off at x (§; off at y (§; origin at x (§; origin at y (§; pos at x (§; pos at x (§19.4.5); pos at y (§; pos at y (§19.4.5); rowOff (§; simplePos at x (§; simplePos at y (§; sp3d at z (§; sp3d at z (§; start at x (§; start at y (§; tile at tx (§; tile at ty (§; tr at h (§; up at dx (§; up at dy (§; up at dz (§; xfrm at tx (§; xfrm at ty (§ (ST_Coordinate32) - referenced by bodyPr at bIns (§; bodyPr at lIns (§; bodyPr at rIns (§; bodyPr at tIns (§; defPPr at defTabSz (§; guide at pos (§; lvl1pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl2pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl3pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl4pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl5pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl6pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl7pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl8pPr at defTabSz (§; lvl9pPr at defTabSz (§; pPr at defTabSz (§; tab at pos (§; tcPr at marB (§; tcPr at marL (§; tcPr at marR (§; tcPr at marT (§ (ST_TextPoint) - referenced by defRPr at spc (§; endParaRPr at spc (§; rPr at spc (§ (ST_TwipsMeasure) - referenced by col at space (§17.6.3); col at w (§17.6.3); cols at space (§17.6.4); defaultTabStop at val (§; drawingGridHorizontalOrigin at val (§; drawingGridHorizontalSpacing at val (§; drawingGridVerticalOrigin at val (§; drawingGridVerticalSpacing at val (§; fitText at val (§; framePr at h (§; framePr at hSpace (§; framePr at vSpace (§; framePr at w (§; gridCol at w (§17.4.16); hyphenationZone at val (§; ind at firstLine (§; ind at hanging (§; interSp at val (§; intraSp at val (§; legacy at legacySpace (§17.9.5); lMargin at val (§; lnNumType at distance (§17.6.8); object at dxaOrig (§; object at dyaOrig (§; pgMar at footer (§17.6.11); pgMar at gutter (§17.6.11); pgMar at header (§17.6.11); pgMar at left (§17.6.11); pgMar at right (§17.6.11); pgSz at h (§17.6.13); pgSz at w (§17.6.13); postSp at val (§; preSp at val (§; rMargin at val (§; spacing at after (§; spacing at before (§; tblpPr at bottomFromText (§17.4.58); tblpPr at leftFromText (§17.4.58); tblpPr at rightFromText (§17.4.58); tblpPr at topFromText (§17.4.58); trHeight at val (§17.4.81); w at val (§; wrapIndent at val (§

The size of this list is somewhat daunting - if we can, let's talk about this a little on the call on Thursday. I'd appreciate another pair of eyes on the specific changes, partly because there are around fourteen pages of edits to a combination of Parts.

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