Errors in Part 4 XSD schemas (except wml.xsd and sml.xsd) in the consolidated Part 4

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Sat Mar 5 14:20:33 CET 2011

I find more errors in the transitional XSD schemas except sml.xsd and
wml.xsd.  I am going to check RNG schemas next.

I feel that we shouldn't rely on manual cut-and-paste in MS Word next
time, since this process is error-prone and painful.  I think that we
should rather generate entire Appendixes A and B from schemas in the
Assembla subversion repository.  

1) In A.4.3, "This schema is available in the file dml-compatiblity.xsd." is missing.

2) In A.4.6, "This schema..." is missing.  (Note: This fix is missing the COR1, 
but I think that this is purely editorial, and we can do this fix 
as part of this edition.)

3) dml-chart.xsd

Retain the original def of ST_Perspective, dlelte ST_PerspectivePercent,
and delete ST_PerspectiveUByte.

Replace 30% by  30 in CT_Perspective.

The def of ST_Thickness uses unsingedInt but should rather 
use xsd:unsignedInt.

In the def of ST_HoleSizeUByte, replace 
    <xsd:minInclusive value="10"/>
    <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>.
Note: See DR02-0002

In the def of ST_Period, remove 

    <xsd:maxInclusive value="255"/>
Note: See DR02-0003

4) dml-diagram.xsd

The line before the def of CT_ElemPropSet has 
mistyped "X".

5) shared-commonSimpleTypes.xsd

Replace <xs:union by <xsd:union

6) shared-math.xsd

  <xsd:group ref="EG_OMathElements"/>
  <xsd:group ref="w:EG_PContentMath"/>

Note: See 44.  §A.6.1, “Math”, p. 1147, lines 488?493 in the COR


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