DR 10-0045 — OPC: Consistency of file length records with a ZIP archive

Chris Rae Chris.Rae at microsoft.com
Thu Mar 17 21:12:23 CET 2011


This DR covers some potentially misleading statements about file length in ZIP archives.

I do not agree with the submitter's proposed solution, which is to remove the ability for the archive to contain zero-length files. This is something specified in the APPNOTE and I don't think it's worth having a special case for OPC here.

I believe the actual situation in existing files is:

* Data descriptors can optionally be included
* If data descriptors are included, the local header uses zeros for size information

I don't think there is actually anything technically wrong with the current text - the term "appropriate fields" used in C.1 is unfortunately a bit ambiguous, but I am a little unsure of how to reword it without replicating detail that is already specified elsewhere.

Let's discuss this in Prague, but I would be in favour of either closing this DR without change or rewording C.1 to improve the clarity.


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