OPC part names and referenes

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Sat Dec 28 15:25:26 CET 2013

The more I think about OPC, the more confused I am.

I have thought that references to OPC parts ("Unicode string"
in Annex A of OPC) can contain non-ASCII characaters and
that such non-ASCII characters are percent-encoded before
referenced OPC parts are located.  I have also thought that
references to OPC parts are resolved relative to containing
OPC parts when they do not begin with "/".

However, my experiment with .Net in F# appears to
show I am mistaken.  It reports errors if references to
OPC parts contain non-ASCII characters.  Ir also
reports errors if references to OPC parts do not begin
with "/".

I plan to manually edit OOXML documents and XPS
documents and handle them by MS-Office and XPS

Here is my F# program.

open System.IO.Packaging
open System

let readOPC() =
    let package = Package.Open("f:test.opc", IO.FileMode.Open)
    let uri = new Uri(Uri.EscapeUriString "/fあ/f1", UriKind.Relative)
    let part =  package.GetPart(uri)
    let enum = part.GetRelationships().GetEnumerator()
    while (enum.MoveNext()) do
        let relship = enum.Current
        let targetURI = relship.TargetUri
            let targetPart = package.GetPart(targetURI)
            let s = targetPart.GetStream()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: {0} {1}", targetURI,
            | :? System.ArgumentException ->
System.Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", targetURI)



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