DR 13-0014 "PML: omissions and inconsistencies in the specification of attributes"

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Wed Dec 13 00:37:27 CET 2017


You are quite right about Q1: the answer is indeed "no", not "yes". My mistake!

My interpretation of the description of the @ptsTypes attribute, taken together with the developer note, was that the value is a string of letters and not a space-separated list. But I may be incorrect in this. Something to check with the PowerPoint team?

Kind regards,



Sent from my iPad

> On 12 Dec 2017, at 22:57, MURATA Makoto <eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp> wrote:
> Francis,
> Thank you for reading [MSOI29500].pdf.
> 1.1.1                      rCtr (Rotation Center)
> 2017-11-21 9:55 GMT+09:00 Francis Cave <francis at franciscave.com>:
>> Hi Aarti
>> The minutes of the Geneva meeting include the following:
>> DR 13-0014 “PML: omissions and inconsistencies in the specification of attributes”
>> New questions for MS experts re animMotion:
>> 1. Does the ptsTypes attribute always contain a list of ptsTypes whose length is determined by the number of segments in the path?
>> 2. Can the ptsTypes attribute contain an empty list, “”?
>> New question for MS experts re cmd:
>> 3. Please confirm that if @cmd is omitted or has an empty string value, regardless of the value of @type, the element has no effect and is equivalent to the element being omitted, and that no other interpretation makes sense.
>> Assigned to Aarti.
>> I have now done what I should have done in Geneva, which is to read the implementer notes in [MSOI29500].pdf.
>> This is what they have to say about @ptsTypes on element §19.5.4 animMotion:
>> d. The standard states that the ptsTypes attribute specifies the types of points in the path attribute.
>> In Office, the ptsTypes attribute additionally describes what the motion path should look like around the current point. This attribute has no effect on the playing of the animation. It is only used when the motion path is edited in Office. 
>> Each character in this string sequentially maps to a point defined in the path string. If there are more entries than points, the extra entries are ignored. If there are fewer entries than points, the extra points are to be treated as follows: If the action after the point is a Line To, then the point is treated as an ‘F’ (corner line). Otherwise, the point will be treated as an ‘f’ (corner curve).
>> I think we should therefore reconsider the questions to the PowerPoint team experts, since the final paragraph of the implementer note implies that the answer to Q1 is clearly “yes”, and the answer to Q2 is clearly “yes” as well.
> My take is different.  I think that the answer to Q1 is "No", since extra entries are ignored and missing entries are assumed to be 'f';.
>> There are no implementer notes on @cmd on element §19.5.28 cmd, so Q3 is still worth asking.
>> Regarding @ptsTypes on animMotion, I suggest that we replace Q1 and Q2 with a new question: can the PowerPoint team see any reason for not tightening the schema so that the string value of @ptsTypes is constrained to match the following pattern: “[AFTSafts]*” ?
> I suppose that any whitespace character is need as separators.   How about this?
>   <xsd:simpleType name="ST_PtsTypes">
>     <xsd:list itemType="ST_PtsType"/>
>   </xsd:simpleType>
>   <xsd:simpleType name="ST_PtsType">
>     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
>       <xsd:enumeration value="A"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="F"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="T"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="S"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="a"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="f"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="t"/>
>       <xsd:enumeration value="s"/>
>     </xsd:restriction>
>   </xsd:simpleType>
> sml_ST_PtsTypes = list { sml_ST_PtsType* }
> sml_ST_PtsType =
>   string "A"
>   | string "F"
>   | string "T"
>   | string "S"
>   | string "a"
>   | string "f"
>   | string "t"
>   | string "s"
> Regards,
> Makoto
>> Kind regards,
>> Francis
> -- 
> Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake
> Makoto
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