Welcome aboard Charlie!

Charlie Clark charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu
Wed Sep 6 19:50:55 CEST 2017

Am .09.2017, 19:32 Uhr, schrieb Rex Jaeschke <rex at rexjaeschke.com>:

> As a courtesy, I've added Charlie Clark to this mailing list, so he can  
> post directly and see our responses without having to go through  
> intermediaries, and so we don't have to remember to CC him separately on  
> posts about his
> DRs.

Thank you, Rex.

Hello everyone,

just a brief introduction of myself: I'm a freelance Python consultant and  
project manager. My main interaction with OOXML is as the maintainer of  
openpyxl, a Python library for working with OOXML spreadsheet files. As  
with many libraries and applications the code base was initially done,  
largely out of ignorance I think, by reverse engineering existing MS Excel  
files. I've spent the last few years trying to move the code to a more  
specification-oriented approach. Hence, the many occasionally naive  
questions about the specification. It's probably worth noting that  
although we'd like to support strict specification at some point, along  
with many applications, we're currently restricted to transitional version  
because this provides the greatest interoperability for our users.

Thanks very much to you all so far for helping me understand the  
specification better. Particular thanks to Makoto for his patient  
explanation of some of the arcana!

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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