1. Scope General editorial comments: (a) This clause shows several significant deletions. Somewhat equivalent text is in 7. Overview. We should check how things will look in the ISO preview (online browsing platform). Scope will show but I'm not sure that clause 7 would. We should check whether any text deleted from Scope should be recovered to get relevant words into either Scope or Overview. (b) The ... bulleted list seems to be temporary. It definitely needs work for grammatical consistency. Typo: "dissiminated" should be "disseminated" 2. Conformance General editorial comment: (a) Could do with improved distinction between statement about conformance for OPC (this part) and conformance in the multi-part standard. 3. Normative References Presumably should update the Augmented BNF RFC 4234 to RFC 5234, since 4234 is obsolete. [Note: New text from Murata-san refers to RFC 2234 (an even older obsolete version) and uses EBNF rather than ABNF. Presumably all references should use RFC 5234 and "ABNF."] 4. Terms and Definitions I notice that some ISO standards have Notes associated with definitions. If this is acceptable practice we might consider whether any of the terms warrant a note as clarification. Clearly this a clause to revisit when the rest of the document is done. The first term confused me but I assume we will make a holistic pass through Terms and Definitions later and haven't reviewed this clause in detail. access style style in which local access or networked access is conducted Proposed replacement: style in which local or networked access to a package is conducted [Aside: Personally, I might use "mode" rather than "style", but I assume we are only addressing DRs and significant shortcomings in the document.] Murata-san introduced the terms NFC and NFD for the two normalization approaches applied commonly for UNICODE. We should either spell out in full and prefix with "Unicode" (my preference) or add to Terms and Definitions. 5. Notational Conventions Trusting this to Rex. 6. General Description Will need to look back at this. Murata-san's changes have made Annex A informative, for example. 7. Overview See my notes on 1. Scope above. 8. Package Model Will deal with in separate set of notes apart from a few small details. There are still several internal references and example captions that need A to be changed to 8. I assume "EBNF" should be "ABNF". Latest RFC for ABNF is RFC 5234. 2234 and 4234 are obsolete. 9. Physical Package 10. Core Properties 11. Thumbnails No changes have been made. Will need to check Annex references. 12. Digital Signatures Ignoring for now. Annexes Ignoring from now. Will make notes on Annex a in conjunction with clause 8.