The ODF InterOp Demo

robert_weir at robert_weir at
Tue Sep 7 14:24:10 CEST 2010

sc34wg6-bounces at wrote on 09/04/2010 02:02:24 PM:

> On the 2010-08-18 Teleconference, I had remarked, as part of my 
reporting on
> current ODF TC activities, that the then-upcoming ODF Interoperability 
> seemed to be largely a ceremonial event (it being two hours) and that 
> technical interoperability-confirmation work would have preceded the 
> Paul Cotton wanted to know how exactly interoperability is claimed
> considering known problems such as the reported difficulties in making
> interoperable implementations of change-tracking, something that came up 
> an example of issues that have been raised.
> On reflection, I think we should not confuse an OASIS InterOp Demo with 
> kinds of efforts that are involved, for example, with the IETF 
> for independent implementations to be confirmed as part of the 
> of RFCs on the IETF Standards Track.  (A feature of the IETF procedure 
> has always struck me is that features that fail to achieve interoperable
> implementation must be removed in order to advance specifications along 
> track, although there is no particular stigma to not advancing while
> specification repairs are developed and interoperability of 
> strengthened.)
> Here is the OASIS InterOp Demo Policy:
> <>. 
> Note in step 3, "The Proposal must clearly state ... whether any 
> or interoperability criteria will apply or be tested as part of the 
> I found no requirement that there be any particular criteria.

OASIS requires that an Interop Demo be held before OASIS approved work can 
be sent to other standards bodies, including ISO/IEC JTC1.  The OASIS 
requirements are primarily around number of implementations, specifically 
implementations from OASIS members.  As such, I believe it is mainly 
demonstrating the degree of vitality of the support for the standard in 
OASIS, among participating OASIS members.  I think we would agree that it 
is important for such commitment to be demonstrated before sending a 
specification to JTC1, especially considering the long-term maintenance 
obligations that such a submission entails.

I believe the event also serves as a promotional event for the standard, 
and this is important for making NBs aware of the soon-to-come PAS 
submissions.  Other PAS submissions have been accompanies by similar 
activities.  We can all recall the OOXML events that were scheduled 
concurrent with SC34 Plenary meetings, for example.  Since PAS submissions 
(and Fast Tracks) do not originate in JTC1, we cannot assume that NBs are 
as familiar with these standards as they are with ones that went through 
the SC/WG process.

Finally, the interop demo helps recruit more members to OASIS.  In fact we 
had three companies/organizations join OASIS specifically for the 
opportunity of participating in this event.  This also helps support the 
vitality of the standard.

In any case, last week we completed the Interop Demo successfully, as 
required by OASIS.  It was videotaped by the conference and that should be 
posted soon.  It was also taped by Hungarian Television, who had a crew 
stay for for the entire two hours.  I was told this was for some tech 



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