March 28 TimeZone Determination

Dennis E. Hamilton dennis.hamilton at
Wed Feb 1 15:26:32 CET 2012

With regard to the determination of an appropriate UTC time for a March 28 call:

Unless someone decides to change the rules once again, the consistent change-over in North America has Daylight Savings Time commence in the early hours of Sunday, 2012-03-11. (There are some fascinating exceptions in Canada.)  Those European countries that observe DST will have changed on Sunday, 2012-03-25.  

Brazil will not be on DST by March 28, but those parts of Australia that observe DST will still be on DST.  China and Japan do not have DST.  (Wikipedia knows all.)

It is a good thing that the next scheduled call is not in the interval when change-over is even more staggered [;<).

 - Dennis

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