Poll for date of next WG 6 teleconference meeting

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Wed Sep 25 23:53:30 CEST 2013

Dear members of WG 6


It was agreed at the last teleconference meeting that I should conduct a
poll of WG 6 members to determine the best date for the next teleconference
meeting in the week commencing 2011-11-04. I note that the previous week is
the last week of Daylight Saving Time in North America, which might be
advantageous. I also note that the week commencing 2013-11-04 is the week of
the JTC 1 Plenary, which would make this week inconvenient for any experts
attending the Plenary. So I propose to extend the poll to include the two
weeks from 2011-10-28.


I propose to include the following dates and times in the poll. 


2013-10-28, 2013-10-29, 2013-10-30, 2013-10-31, 2013-11-01, all at 14:00 UTC
(07:00 Pacific; 10:00 Eastern; 14:00 UK; 15:00 Europe; 23:00 Korea/Japan)

2013-11-04, 2013-11-05, 2013-11-06, 2013-11-07, 2013-11-08, all at 14:30 UTC
(06:30 Pacific; 09:30 Eastern; 14:30 UK; 15:30 Europe; 23:30 Korea/Japan)


I realise that some of these may clash with other meetings, but this will
become apparent when those of you who wish to participate in the meeting
respond to the poll.


I will circulate a draft agenda for the meeting once a date is agreed,
however the agenda will focus upon the two Defect Reports:


-          Progress report on preparation of draft Technical Corrigenda in
response to SC 34 N 1938

-          Review of new Japanese Defect Reports in SC 34 N 1979.


If you wish to participate in the meeting, please respond to this poll,
either by responding to this email or by completing the Doodle poll by
following this link:




Francis Cave


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