Approval of request to retain ISO/IEC 26300:2006 and Amendment

Francis Cave francis at
Wed Nov 5 17:48:39 CET 2014

Dear members of SC 34/WG 6


There are two related items of note to report. First, the SC 34 Plenary in
Kyoto at the end of September put in a request for ISO to retain ISO/IEC
26300:2006 and its Amendment in the current standards catalogue, so that
these can continue to be available after a new edition is added as a result
of approval of the PAS submission by OASIS of ODF v1.2. Second, I am
informed that this request has been approved by a ballot of ISO members.
This means that the new edition will continue to use the same standard
number - 26300 - as the previous edition, and will simply be differentiated
by the year of publication.


There is as yet no news as to the likely date of and arrangements for a
Ballot Resolution Meeting for the ODF v1.2 PAS DIS ballot.


Kind regards,


Francis Cave

Convenor, WG 6

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