An outline proposal

Dave Pawson dave.pawson at
Fri Oct 15 08:53:38 CEST 2010

On 15 October 2010 05:42, Innovimax SARL <innovimax at> wrote:
> The minimum to declare victory, as a representative of  the W3C here, is to
> have a subset of what an average ZIP library can generate
> This means finding a rougly agreed common subset that is both reasonnable
> and as small as necessary

And being a (capability) subset of many, could not be implementation specific?
Hence would need to specify at a layer above implementations, simply stating
a required capability set?

If so that's what I'd like to go for.

> The fact that we, or any other group, build something more complex on the
> top of that, at a later date, is
> 1) possible
> 2) not a problem to me
> 3) not a simple task (since if no tools implement that, it would give no
> benefits see the history of CSS 2.0 on top of CSS 1.0 for a good example)
> 4) may take way more time
> I would say to spot that in perspective that I see that as an alternative to
> something way more radical : replace ZIP by something else that everyone
> could agree on as a more flexible and powerful layer to package xml and any
> related files.

And as with png/gif, was only of limited value? To a subset of users.
I.e. probably not worth the work?


Dave Pawson
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