DR 08-0008: DML, Main: Format of buSzPct percentage values instrict mode example

Caroline Arms caar at loc.gov
Thu Apr 30 21:05:06 CEST 2009


This depends on DR 08-0007 because it refers to ST_TextBulletSize which would get added by the proposed solution to DR 08-007.  Presumably they should go to LAST CALL together.


Caroline Arms
Library of Congress Contractor
Co-compiler of Sustainability of Digital Formats resource

** Views expressed are personal and not necessarily those of the institution **
>>> Shawn Villaron <shawnv at microsoft.com> 04/30/09 12:24 PM >>>
This response was discussed in today's teleconference where we concluded to change its status to LAST CALL.
DR 08-0008 - DML, Main: Format of buSzPct percentage values in strict mode example

Part 1, § will be updated as follows:
This element specifies the size in percentage of the surrounding text to be used on bullet characters within a given paragraph. The size is specified using a percentage where 1000 is equal to 1 percent of the font size and 100000 is equal to 100 percent font of the font size.
[Example: Consider the DrawingML shown below.

    <a:pPr ...>
      <a:buSzPct val="111000111.000%111%"/>
    <a:t>Bullet 1</a:t>
The size of the above bullet follows the text size in that it is always rendered at 111% the size of the text within the given text run. This is specified by val="111000111.000%111%", with a restriction on the values not being less than 25% or more than 400%. A value of 100000 is equal to 100%, similarly a value of 1000 is equal to 1%. This percentage size should only apply to the actual bullet character and not to the text within the bullet. end example]


val (Value)

Specifies the percentage of the text size that this bullet should be. It is specified here in terms of 100% being equal to 100000 and 1% being specified in increments of 1000. This attribute should not be lower than 25%, or 25000 and not be higher than 400%, or 400000.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_TextBulletSize (§NEW).

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