Schema license issue (Fw: Possible SC 34 input to JTC 1)

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Wed Dec 9 04:39:59 CET 2009

In our next teleconference, we will discuss about the 
schema license issue.  This is the position of WG1.


Forwarded by "MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)" <eb2m-mrt at>
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
 From:    "Alex Brown" <alexb at>
 To:      "MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)" <eb2m-mrt at>
 Cc:      <sc34officer at>
 Date:    Mon, 30 Nov 2009 17:57:26 -0000
 Subject: Possible SC 34 input to JTC 1


Find below some text agreed in WG 1 today.

SC 34 might want to ballot this text as a response to JTC 1 -- they
requested input from SCs on the topics raised in Resolution 3 of the
recent JTC 1 Plenary in Tel Aviv.

WG 1 to raise the following concerns with SC 34, and recommend they are
balloted for submission to JTC 1 as an SC 34 contribution, subject to
any review by other WGs:

1. The introductory text at
overlaps with the permissions given in the click-through license, and
should be deleted.

2. From the exemplar permissions notice delete the text "for the
purposes of developing, implementing, installing and using software
based on the Schema" as this is an unnecessary restriction on use,
forbidding (for example) the use of the Schema for documentation or
training purposes.

3. The restriction of the click-through license that downloaded files
may not be "placed on a network of any sort" makes no sense in an age
where nearly every device is connected to a network (e.g. the Internet).

WG4, and other WGs meeting this week, might want to modify this text.

I propose at the end of the week the collected wisdom of the WGs is
posted to this sc34-officer list, where it can be prepared for an SC 34
ballot on whether this should become SC 34's response to JTC 1.

- Alex.

--------------------- Original Message Ends --------------------

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