DR-08-0012 Namespace Mapping Table v2

Jirka Kosek jirka at kosek.cz
Fri May 22 23:52:42 CEST 2009

Shawn Villaron wrote:

> If anyone has any recommendations for changes, please let me know by
> Tuesday, May 26^th so that we can start modifying the actual text …

Hi Shawn,

thanks, proposal seems OK for me.

But when we are changing all element and attribute names effectively we
probably should fix one additional naming issue at the same time.

OOXML uses very bad habit of qualified attributes. For example you have
to write:

<w:sz w:val="24"/>

instead of more common:

<w:sz val="24"/>

I'm proposing to extend this namespace change for Strict by additional
change which will move attributes which are currently in the same
namespace as their element to "null" namespace. This will significantly
clean language and now when we are changing all names completely it is
the only and last chance to do it.


BTW, in Czech we discussed this proposal during comment period on DIS
but we finally withdraw this comment before ballot because we didn't
want to break compatibility with ECMA and existing documents. But Strict
is breaking compatibility so change can be made safely.

  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: jirka at kosek.cz      http://xmlguru.cz
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

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