DR 09-0209: WML: Custom XML and Smart Tags

Shawn Villaron shawnv at microsoft.com
Fri May 29 16:19:07 CEST 2009

Nature of the Defect:
The first bullet on pp. 529 has, "The first of these is the namespace for this smart tag (contained in the uri attribute). This allows the smart tag to specify a URI which should identifies the namespace of this smart tag to a consumer."

What is the effect of omitting this attribute? Is the implied element conformant to XMLNames? Is it permitted for the attribute to be something other than a URI?

Also, correct, "which should identifies [sic]".

Here is the proposed response for this DR:

As this construct stores custom-defined semantics, it is correct (as implied) that there is no constraint that this attribute contain a URI, or any value whatsoever.

The exact changes are as follows:

The first of these is the namespace classification for this smart tag (contained in the uri attribute). This optional property allows the smart tag to specify a URI which should identifies the namespace of string defining the classification of this smart tag to a consumer. [Guidance: Ideally, this property is specified in the form of a URI which identifies the namespace of this smart tag, although this is not required. end guidance] It is intended to be used to specify a family of smart tags to which this one belongs. [Example: In the sample above, the smart tag belongs to the http://www.example.com namespaceclassification. end example]
I've like to suggest that we move this to LAST CALL.


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