DR-09-2004: WML: Custom markup

Rick Jelliffe rjelliffe at allette.com.au
Sun May 31 07:49:16 CEST 2009

Shawn Villaron wrote:
> *Nature of the Defect:*
> The opening sentence begins "Within a WordprocessingML document, it is 
> often necessary for specific documents to contain semantic information 
> [...]"
> This is nonsensical. What are the "specific documents" within a 
> WordprocessingML document?
> *Here is the proposed response for this DR:*
> The exact changes are as follows:
> Within a WordprocessingML document, it is often necessary for specific 
> documents to contain _important to specify _semantic information 
> beyond the presentation information specified by ISO/IEC 29500.
> I’ve like to suggest that we move this to LAST CALL.
> shawn

A standard does need to specify the rationale for a feature. It can also 
disguise a conformance requirement, of course.

What about something like:
"The content parts of a conforming WordProcessingML document shall use 
the method and markup in this section for semantic information that goes 
beyond the presentation information specified by ISO/IEC 29500."

I am not sure what the best term is to refer to the actual XML part that 
carries the contents of the document: the part that is identified by the 
starting entry in _rels/.rels But many clauses in IS29500 are couched in 
terms of applying to the whole document, whereas they only relate to a 
specific standardized part.

Rick Jelliffe

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