DR 09-0207: WML: Custom XML and Smart Tags

Rick Jelliffe rjelliffe at allette.com.au
Sun May 31 07:57:19 CEST 2009

Shawn Villaron wrote:
> *Nature of the Defect:*
> Para 3 begins, "The first example of customer-defined semantics that 
> can be embedded in a WordprocessingML document are smart tags [...]"
> This is a misuse of the word "example".
> *Here is the proposed response for this DR:*
> The exact changes are as follows:
> The first example _form _of customer-defined semantics that can be 
> embedded in a WordprocessingML document are smart tags.
> I’ve like to suggest that we move this to LAST CALL.
> shawn
Is "customer" a defined term? I think for wordsmithing, when we re-write 
a sentence, if it has "customer-defined" it should be replaced by a 
defined term like "foreign semantics" or "extra-standard semantics" or 
"additional semantics".

Rick Jelliffe

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