DR 09-0324 - OPC: Relationships

Caroline Arms caar at loc.gov
Wed Jan 6 13:55:16 CET 2010


This response needs to refer to DR 09-0323 rather than to its own DR (09-324) in the "combined with" sentence.


Caroline Arms
Library of Congress Contractor
Co-compiler of Sustainability of Digital Formats resource

** Views expressed are personal and not necessarily those of the institution **
>>> Shawn Villaron <shawnv at microsoft.com> 01/05/10 1:29 PM >>>
Here is our proposal for addressing this DR.

Agreed.  Update Part 2, §9.3, "Relationships" as follows
9.3   Relationships
Parts often may contain references to other parts in the package and to resources outside of the package. In general, these references are represented inside the referring part in ways that are specific to the content type of the part, that is, in arbitrary markup or an application-defined encoding. This effectively hides the internal and external links between parts from consumers that do not understand the content types of the parts containing such references.

Combined with request from DR 09-0324, update Part 2, §9.3, "Relationships" as follows

9.3   Relationships
Parts often may contain references to other parts in the package and to resources outside of the package. In general, these These references are represented inside the referring part in ways that are specific to the content type of the part, that is, in arbitrary markup or an application-defined encoding. This effectively hides the internal and external links between parts from consumers that do not understand the content types of the parts containing such references.

See attached for additional context for this response.



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