Draft for review: ISO 8601 date work on IS 29500

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Fri Jul 23 00:43:24 CEST 2010

> Hi Rick - we do need to resort to xs:String, because the cell value can also actually be a string. I wasn't 
>very clear at the beginning of this thread, but the cell type is
>denoted by its v attribute, which can be one of:

Are you talking about @v in CT_String in sml.xsd?  In which element is
the cel value is stored?

> b (Boolean): Cell containing a boolean.
> d (Date): Cell contains a date in the ISO 8601 format.
> e (Error): Cell containing an error.
> inlineStr (Inline String): Cell containing an (inline) rich string
> n (Number): Cell containing a number.
> s (Shared String): Cell containing a shared string.
> str (String): Cell containing a formula string.

I would like to exactly capture this constraint in RNG.


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