DR 09-0045 ― WML, Fonts: Character encodings of font names

suzuki toshiya mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 7 06:57:11 CEST 2010

Dear Chris,

Thank you for quick drafting.
I think it's far better than the original version,
but I want to clarify following points clearer:
1) font file (embedded or external) may not have UTF-8 font names
2) copying font names from font file is not recommended,
if its character encoding is incompatible with XML part.
3) code conversion is usually required to handle such localized
font names.

I drafted as:
Localized font names stored in the embedded font resources or
external font resources may be coded by the character encoding
that is incompatible with the character encodings for XML parser.
To use these font names in the values of this attribute in the
XML part, they should be converted to the character encoding
fitting to XML parser. Copying raw byte sequences from font files
should be avoided. [Note: ISO/IEC 14496-22:2007 does not permit to
store UTF-8 font name in the font file. end note]
Please give me comment.

I want to ask about the question about "converted to the character
encoding". What I'm thinking is a conversion from "a Kanji expressed
by a Shift-JIS codepoint" to "a Kanji expressed by a Unicode codepoint".

I want to exclude ASCII-fy approach converting "字" (ShiftJIS = 8E9A,
UCS2 = U+5B57) to "x8Ex9A" (worst) or "x5Bx57" (worse) etc. This is
because restoring such "escaped byte sequence" to original font name
is not easy for most font management systems (they check the existence
of "x8Ex9A", if not found, try "U+8E9A", if not found, ...).
Is there good terminology to exclude such conversion?

suzuki toshiya

Chris Rae wrote (2010/09/07 13:19):
> http://cid-c8ba0861dc5e4adc.office.live.com/view.aspx/Public%20Documents/2009/DR-09-0045.docx
> I've updated the wording to incorporate a note explaining that intra-font names will often need alterations to appear in XML. Suzuki-san and Murata-san, does this look reasonable?
> Changes attached.
> Chris

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