FYI on IRI status

Arms, Caroline caar at
Thu Aug 21 14:58:19 CEST 2014

I ran into the following just now.  Have they been discussed in relation to the Part 2 revision?


At some point it was recognized that "Web addresses" and "IRIs" and "URIs" were all trying to accomplish effectively the same thing. With the demise of the IRI working group at IETF, the WHATWG "URL" spec is currently the focus of development effort. Development of this document appears to have better implementer support.


The IETF Working Group for IRI was shut down in January 2014 in recognition of the lack of progress or potential progress on a revision of the RFC 3987 document and URL is now the main vehicle for providing a solid reference that specifications (such as HTML) and implementations (such as browsers) can be based on. Similar to the HTML5 effort, URL's editors mainly focus on documenting what browsers actually do and, where interoperability is not currently present, working with implementers on resolving differences.

This means that the issues with IRI are unresolved. The URI/IRI transformation is not fully described and it is unclear if the URL spec will resolve all or only a part of the issues being worked on in the context of IRIs.



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