Minor mistakes in DR 14-0010

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Wed Jul 1 11:29:46 CEST 2015

I checked-in schema changes required for DR 14-0041, and
find some minor errors.

Schema diffs are shown at:


Rex, the schemas can be downloaded but I don't think you
need them until the ballot is closed.

Here are some errors.

"Part 1: §A.2, “SpreadsheetML”, p. 3,955, Lines 521–529" in DR 14-0011 is
for PresentationML

"Part 1: §A.2, “SpreadsheetML”, p. 4,003, Lines 1,443–1,451" is for

Ditto for "Part 1: §A.2, “SpreadsheetML”, p. 4,003, Lines 1,452–1,459"

Ditto for "Part 1: §A.2, “SpreadsheetML”, p. 4,016, Lines 2,135–2,139"

Ditto for "Part 1: §A.2, “SpreadsheetML”, p. 4,031, Lines 2,904–2,940"

We have he same errors for RELAX NG schemas.

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