WG4 N0371: Letter from the Field Common Group for the request of clear specifications on the use of XAdES in OPC

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Mon Feb 20 11:52:35 CET 2017

Dear colleagues,

WG4  N0371 is a letter from the Field Common Group to us.
Their concluding paragraph is:

In consideration of our experience with ISO/IEC 29500 and the
ecosystem of products available, FieldComm Group support the position
that ISO/IEC 29500 should provide clear specifications, including
normative and non-normative requirements, on how ISO/IEC 29500 can
work together with XAdES to provide interoperable solutions for common
use cases.

We might want to ask questions to the Field Common Group.  I am wondering
if I should ask them if they can live with a separate profile standard.  I
do not
have any other questions in mind.

We might even want to invite them to joint the F2F meeting by skype,
when we do not agree to do what they are requesting.  Since few people in
Seoul agreed, I am inclined to invite them.

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