ASCII case-insensitive matching

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at
Fri Jan 13 09:43:11 CET 2017

OPC uses a phrase "ASCII case-insensitive matching".
Clarification of this phrase is my action item.

I find that this term is introduced by "Character Model for t
he World Wide Web: String Matching and Searching"
(W3C Working Draft).  The definition is:

ASCII case-insensitive matching compares a sequence
of code points as if all ASCII code points in the range
0x41 to 0x5A (A to Z) were mapped to the corresponding
code points in the range 0x61 to 0x7A (a to z).

This is exactly what we want.  I am going to copy this and
metion the W3C Working Draft in the bibliography

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