Comments on Latest OPC draft -- Clause 8 Package Model
caroline arms
caroline.arms at
Wed Apr 4 21:56:01 CEST 2018
The last batch of comments I have ready before the call are for Clause 8.
I can work on the remaining clauses before the next call. Sorry to miss
this one.
Last paragraph: One of the few places I find "pack URI scheme" The
sentence doesn't match the definition in Terms and Definitions, in that it
uses "URIs", not "IRIs".
I would use "in place" rather than "in-place"
Item 3 is hardly syntactic and therefore doesn't really contribute to
conformance -- as implied by the intro to the list of requirements.
However, the need to follow its guidance is stressed and cited in
We can probably live with this.
Item 5 ends with two periods.
8.3.2 is now title Pack Scheme (no URI or IRI)
Only "IRI" is used in the text.
First paragraph
I would include the title for clause 6.5 of RFC 3987 -- Use of IRIs Should
the first mention of RFC 3987 actually be RFC 3986?
Second paragraph.
Another place where "preprocessing" is used as a noun. I would substitute
"pre-processing outline" or similar. See earlier message with comments on
Annex A.,,,
Each of these subclauses uses the same awkward structure of a similar
that ("bar.xml") stops the reader in the middle of the complete phrase
that defines what ("bar.xml") represents.
I would move the parenthesized ("bar.xml") later in the sentence, changing
Likewise, the path component ("/") of the base IRI and that ("bar.xml")
of the relative reference are merged. The
merge routine emits "/bar.xml".
Likewise, the path component ("/") of the base IRI and that of the
relative reference ("bar.xml") are merged. The
merge routine emits "/bar.xml".
The first parenthesized component is not grammatically awkward, but could
be moved for symmetry.
Likewise, the path component of the base IRI ("/") and that of the relative
reference ("bar.xml") are merged. The
merge routine emits "/bar.xml".
NOTE: There are several instances of the same awkward structure in these
subclauses. I won't repeat the explanation.
second paragraph
Begins "As in the previous case" but the word "case" has a different
meaning in these clauses.
Perhaps replace with "example" has a title that is very close to the title for
I wonder whether that can be addressed. I'm a little afraid that someone
might eliminate the second dot/period by mistake when editing. I wondered
about "Double-dot" but the RFC doesn't use that term.
Third paragraph. I'm afraid I don't understand Murata-san's response to my
comment or what his intent is wrt the specification text. I still find the
sentence unclear.
I think we need to know why the requirement that is reflected in Annex H of
the 2012 spec as M.1.25 was dropped. Was it an inadvertent deletion?
There is a reference at the bottom of the TargetMode row to this clause.
It should probably go to §C.4.
Aside: I think it may be unwise to try and drop the schemas from Part 2
this time around. It may delay things unnecessarily.
Title needs Relationships in the plural
Second paragraph
I would replace "an XML document" with "the XML document"
Second paragraph
I would replace "an XML document" with "the XML document"
Title needs Parts in the plural. See diagram and the text that follows it.
I would make the title
Relationships Parts related to Digital Signature Markup
and provide a reference to Clause 12.
The diagram would be better if it explained that the arrows represented
First paragraph:
Delete "of" from "outside of"
First paragraph:
I would change "each using unique Id values" to
"each using a unique Id value"
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