DR 17-0022 — DML: wMode and yMode are unclear

Charlie Clark charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu
Wed Feb 28 19:28:05 CET 2018

Am .02.2018, 21:53 Uhr, schrieb Aarti Nankani <anankani at microsoft.com>:

> We would like to keep the existing prose in the standard as is but if  
> you have recommendations on better prose, we are open to evaluating your  
> suggestions.

I'm sorry but I made a request for a better explanation of the different  
modes because the current prose doesn't do it. I don't see how leaving the  
text as it is helps here. And, seeing I as find the current text doesn't  
explain behaviour, I don't know how I can be expected to provide  
suggestions and how layouting of charts works remains a mystery. I did  
suggest some schema changes which were rejected on grounds of  
compatibility but the narrative could definitely provide more information  
about the intention of the modes, their use together and suggested bounds  
(-1 < x < 1)? It is otherwise a matter of guess work and trial and error.

What is edge mode?

What is factor mode?

These should be explained and accompanied by relevant sketches.

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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