2D Transforms - Which one?

Charlie Clark charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu
Tue Jul 17 14:35:05 CEST 2018


just come across this uncertainty: the specification contains identical
definitions of 2D-Transforms, once in Drawing Main: and once in Spreadsheet Drawing

I'm trying to work out when to use which one. If I follow the schema then
it's quite clear that both PictureFrames ( and
GraphicalObjectFrames ( both use the one from Drawing Main.
Indeed the prose makes explicit reference to this.

Schema for Graphic Frames:

<xsd:complexType name="CT_GraphicalObjectFrame">
            <xsd:element name="nvGraphicFramePr"
type="CT_GraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual" minOccurs="1"
            <xsd:element name="xfrm" type="a:CT_Transform2D" minOccurs="1"
            <xsd:element ref="a:graphic" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
         <xsd:attribute name="macro" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
         <xsd:attribute name="fPublished" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"

However, the implementers notes says that xdr:xfrm should be used. And
this is also what Excel expects. So which is it? I wondered if this is
something that was changed later in the specification (strict) but I can't
find a note to this effect.

If the schema is correct then I think xdr:xfrm is redundant, but I suspect
it's going to be the other way round.

I suspect that this can only be answered by Microsoft's team, if you can
pass this on to them Aarti?

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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