DR 19-0006

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Fri Feb 1 01:45:57 CET 2019

Murata-san and I are investigating the extent of the issue of unqualified
names in examples. So far we have identified a small number in Part 4 and a
large number in Part 1. Further investigation is needed. However, so far as
DR 19-0006 is concerned, I can be more specific as to the location of the
problem examples in Part 1 §21.4 DrawingML – Diagrams.


Examples in all the following sub-sections of §24.1 contain unqualified
element names that I believe should be qualified for consistency with the
way that examples are generally presented elsewhere in the specification.
Except where indicated, only a single example is involved. In all cases I
believe that the qualifying prefix ‘dgm:’ should be added to all element
names. Note that some of the sub-sections in this list are also the concern
of DR 19-0005.


*	§ adj (Shape Adjust)
*	§ adjLst (Shape Adjust List)
*	§ alg (Algorithm)
*	§ cat (Category)
*	§ catLst (Category List)
*	§ choose (Choose Element) – two examples, including one in
the attribute table
*	§ clrData (Color Transform Sample Data)
*	§ constr (Constraint) – ten examples, including nine in the
attribute table
*	§ constrLst (Constraint List)
*	§ else (Else) – two examples, including one in the
attribute table
*	§ forEach (For Each) – four examples, including three in
the attribute table
*	§ if (If) – seven examples, including six in the attribute
*	§ layoutDefHdr (Layout Definition Header)
*	§ layoutNode (Layout Node)
*	§ param (Parameter)
*	§ presOf (Presentation Of) – four examples, including three
in the attribute table
*	§ rule (Rule) – six examples, including five in the
attribute table
*	§ ruleLst (Rule List)
*	§ sampData (Sample Data)
*	§ styleData (Style Data)
*	§ varLst (Variable List)
*	§ bg (Background Formatting)
*	§ cxn (Connection) – ten examples, including nine in the
attribute table
*	§ cxnLst (Connection List)
*	§ prSet (Property Set)
*	§ pt (Point) – one example – Note that all the examples in
the attribute table correctly use qualified names
*	§ colorsDefHdr (Color Transform Definition Header)
*	§ cat (Category)
*	§ catLst (Category List)
*	§ desc (Style Label Description)
*	§ styleDefHdr (Style Definition Header)
*	§ styleLbl (Style Label)
*	§ title (Title)
*	§ animLvl (Level Animation)
*	§ animOne (One by One Animation String)
*	§ bulletEnabled (Show Insert Node)
*	§ chMax (Maximum Children)
*	§ chPref (Preferred Number of Children)
*	§ hierBranch (Organization Chart Branch Style)
*	§ orgChart (Show Organization Chart User Interface)



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