DR 15-0020 — WML: Make clear where in transitional WML can VML occur

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Mon Jan 14 08:36:02 CET 2019


We are close.  Let's discuss this DR in the next teleconference.

First, here is my commit for changing schemas as suggested by an MS


Second, I propose to add a note to two subclauses, pict (VML
Object) and 14.6.1 pict (Picture Numbering Symbol Properties).  My
proposed note is:

    [Note: Elements in the VML - Office Drawing subclause (§19.2) do not
    appear under a pict element. end Note]

Third, I propose to add two subclauses to 29500-4, as suggested by an
MS expert.  But where should they be?

14.X.X background (Document Background)

This element is allowed to have VML elements as described in the VML
syntax (§19.1) and the VML - Office Drawing subclause (§19.2).

14.X.X object (Embedded Object)

This element is allowed to have VML elements as described in the VML
syntax (§19.1) and the VML - Office Drawing subclause (§19.2).


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