DR 09-0210: WML: Custom XML and Smart Tags

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Sat Jun 13 15:10:44 CEST 2009

> I would like to explicitly state @uri shall specify a namespace name 
> and @element shall specify a local name.  (BTW, "element type" as
> defined in XML 1.0 is a string containing prefixses  (optional), ":"  (optional),
> and local names.  "Local name" is the best terminology.)

Smart tags and custom XML markup should represent embedded foreign XML 
elements.  However, during the last teleconf, Shawn reported that
foreign "elements" embedded in existing binary documents contain illegal 
namespace names.  Thus, if we would like to capture existing binary documents, 
we cannot disallow illegal namespace names for the uri attribute.  This
observation does not apply to local names of embedded foreign elements.

Having heard this observation, I would change my proposal. 

In "strict", we should require that @uri specify a namespace name.  
The schema in Part 1 should specify xsd:anyURI.

In "transitional", we should recommend that @uri specify a namespace name.  
The schema in Part 1 should specify xsd:string.

In both classes, we should require that @element shall specify a local
name.  The schema in Part 1 should specify xsd:NCName.


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