DR 09-0061: Shared MLs, Shared Simple Types: Constrain ST_Panose value set

Chris Rae Chris.Rae at microsoft.com
Wed Dec 1 01:15:15 CET 2010

Just when we thought this was done! I had one of our testers run through a bunch of existing documents to see if he could find any Panose values that weren't covered by this RegExp. Unfortunately, he found four (the font names they correspond to are on the right just for info):

04040605051002020D02 (Gabriola)
04020705040A02060702	(Algerian)
04030905020B02020C02	(Bauhaus 93)
04040905080B02020502	(Broadway)

As far as I can see the only thing that these have in common is that they start with 04, but that does seem to be permitted by Suzuki-san's RegEx. For reference, the RegEx we were using was:


Suzuki-san, do you think these values are incorrect?

I haven't actually delved into which part of the RegEx is failing specifically here, but I'll do that if you don't see anything obvious.


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