DR 09-0043 _ WML, Fonts: notTrueType attribute and bitmap fonts

mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 27 15:17:45 CEST 2010

Dear Chris,

For the description of "notTrueType", I propose to use
"a font including TrueType outline in a format conforming
to ISO/IEC 14496-22:200x".


I and Murata-san have a concern that "OpenType" is
too broad term to describe the features of existing
implementation of OOXML by Microsoft.

ISO/IEC 14496-22 defines 3 groups of OpenType:

1) conventional "TrueType"

2) "TrueType collection", a container format of
   multiple TrueType fonts into single file,
   with sharing the duplicated subtables of the
   included font.

3) "CFF OpenType", a TrueType-like package of
   Adobe's CFF font.

I checked the behaviour of Microsoft Office 2010 (see
attached DOCX and OTF) and found that:

* Microsoft Word 2010 does not embed TrueType Collection,
  as DR 09-0047 was closed as TTC cannot be embedded in
  OOXML. The font element for the face in TTC (e.g.
  "MS Gothic" in MSGOTHIC.TTC), word/fontTable.xml does
  not include notTrueType element, like this:

<w:font w:name="MS ゴシック">
<w:altName w:val="MS Gothic"/>
<w:panose1 w:val="020B0609070205080204"/>
<w:charset w:val="80"/>
<w:family w:val="modern"/>
<w:pitch w:val="fixed"/>
<w:sig w:usb0="E00002FF" w:usb1="6AC7FDFB" w:usb2="00000012" w:usb3="00000000" w
:csb0="0002009F" w:csb1="00000000"/>

* Microsoft Word 2010 does not embed CFF OpenType.
  For the font element for (unembedded) CFF OpenType,
  MS Word 2010 inserts "notTrueType" element (but its
  value is unset), like this:

<w:font w:name="WadaGo-Bold">
<w:panose1 w:val="00000000000000000000"/>
<w:charset w:val="80"/>
<w:family w:val="modern"/>
<w:pitch w:val="variable"/>
<w:sig w:usb0="80000283" w:usb1="080F7868" w:usb2="00000010" w:usb3="00000000" w
:csb0="00120004" w:csb1="00000000"/>


>From the second result, I think, using notTrueType
element to specify "a font including TrueType outline
in a format conforming to ISO/IEC 14496-22:200x",
is the best solution to keep the compatibility with
existing implementation of OOXML, and intuitive usage.

The term "TrueType outline" is accepted by ISO/IEC
14496-22 (the 2nd edition of ISO/IEC 14496-22 has
a section using the term "4.3 TrueType Outline tables",
and "4.4 PostScript Outline tables"), so using it
in ISO OOXML spec has no problem.

One of my concern was that "OpenType (or ISO/IEC 14496-22)
permits a font including bitmap glyph only, and without
any outline glyph (not TrueType, not PostScript), it
should not be marked as notTrueType?". Checking the
behaviour of Microsoft Windows (Windows XP and Windows 7),
such font is refused "this is not valid TrueType font,
cannot be installed" (see attached k14.ttf). Thus, marking
"notTrueType" would be safer. At least, existing implementation
of OOXML running on Microsoft Windows cannot produce
OOXML document including an OpenType without any outline.

It seems that Mac OS X accepts such bitmap-only OpenType.
I will check Office on Macintosh platforms, within 24 hours.
Unfortunately, I have no access for the latest Office for
Mac 2011.


On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:44:41 +0000
Chris Rae <Chris.Rae at microsoft.com> wrote:

>This DR we discussed in Tokyo and my notes say I had some minor writing up to do and then we could close it. Unfortunately my notes don't say any more than that, so I am relying on my memory to work out what that writing up was. I *think* that the issue was the use of "TypeType" when we really meant "TrueType or OpenType", so I've edited the text to include that. I also spotted a typo which I've fixed.
>Suzuki-san, is there a chance you could take a look at this one and confirm that these are the right changes? If they are, we should be able to close it easily on the next call.
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