Resolution to pointers to "AlternateContent Blocks" in the Part 1 Primer

Rex Jaeschke rex at
Fri May 13 19:18:07 CEST 2016

In her feedback on the Part 1 COR integration, Caroline wrote the following:


"[Cor. 1] Items 258-261 look OK.  However, I notice that by deleting all
these subclauses, clauses L.7.3. and L.7.3.4 become problematic, because
they assume is present and don't make sense without some discussion
of Alternate Content Blocks.  Would it be acceptable at this stage to create
a new that simply refers to Part 3?"


During last week's teleconference, the minutes show the following:


Rex>I'll make these dangling places point to Part 3, and check with


Having studied the problem, I've decided to go with her suggestion.


I've reinstated the AlternateContent Blocks subclause heading only, and
under that I've added, "For information on this topic, refer to IS 29500-3."




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