Remote participation for WG6 meeting in Stockholm

Michiel Leenaars nenmail at
Tue Jan 12 23:04:47 CET 2010

Hi Francis,

indeed I think standards based solutions are preferable. One should
practise what one preaches, right.

FC> Incidentally, I hope you won't object to our using Citrix
FC> GoToMeeting for web presentations, because that is the service that
FC> ISO currently recommend to SCs and WGs.

I don't have actual experience with that specific product, but if it
adheres to web standards and is not tied to a specific operating system
platform we're probably fine (we run various flavours of BSD's and
Linux, so we are quite flexible in that). 

We can investigate that offline, however. 

Kind regards,
Michiel Leenaars

Internet Society Netherlands ------- Phone +31 (0)70 314 0385
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 -------- Cell: +31 6 27 050947
2595 BE Den Haag ------------------- ENUM: +31 6 27 050947 ------------- SIP: michiel at

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