WG 6 teleconference meeting on 2011-09-14 at 13:30 UTC

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Mon Sep 5 02:13:10 CEST 2011

Dear members of WG 6


Given that the scheduled teleconference  meeting on 2011-08-31 was only
attended by three participants, it was agreed that no formal business should
be conducted and a further teleconference meeting should be arranged for the
next available date according to the current pattern, i.e. 2011-09-14 at
13:30 UTC.


Here are some notes on the informal discussion last Wednesday.




-          Francis Cave (Convenor)

-          Dennis Hamilton (OASIS)

-          Rob Weir (IBM/OASIS)


We reviewed progress on preparation of ISO/IEC 26300:2006/Amd 1 and on ODF
v1.1 Errata 01. A new draft of Amd 1 had been circulated to the Working
Group on 2011-08-29 for review by the Working Group. Dennis Hamilton had
advised the Working Group that Working Draft 02 of Errata 01 was also
available for review. 


It was noted that some further work on both Amd 1 and Errata 01 was needed
before Amd 1 could be issued for FDAM ballot and before Errata 01 could
enter the OASIS review process.  Francis Cave and Dennis Hamilton still have
some work to do on reconciling the texts of Amd 1 and Errata 01, but it was
agreed that this work is almost complete. The main tasks moving forward are:


-          Francis Cave to remove "temporary" notes in the draft of Amd 1.

-          Francis Cave and Dennis Hamilton to check for any remaining
discrepancies between the texts.


Rob Weir observed that ODF 1.1 Errata 01, ODF 1.2 (as an approved OASIS
standard) and the first Committee Draft of ODF 1.3 would be published within
a few weeks of one another. This led to a discussion about future
maintenance issues for SC 34 and WG 6. Rob Weir suggested that some
discussion within the Working Group of how many versions of the standard
should be in active maintenance at any given time within the ISO/IEC
process. Francis Cave said he would add this topic to the agenda for the
next teleconference meeting.


I attach a draft agenda for the teleconference meeting on 2011-09-14. WebEx
dial-in details will be circulated separately.


Francis Cave





2011-09-14, 13:30-14:30 UTC


1. Roll-call of participants


2. Approval of agenda (this document)


3. Confirmation of minutes of teleconference meeting on 2011-06-22


4. Matters arising / Review of actions


5. Progress Report from Project Editor / Convenor on preparation of FDAM
text for ISO/IEC 26300:2006/Amd 1


6. Progress Report from OASIS ODF TC / Project Editor


7. Other maintenance business (e.g. defect reports, amendment proposals)


7.1 How many versions of the standard to maintain at any one time -


8. Future meeting dates


8.1. Teleconference meetings


9. Any other business


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