DR 08-0002 and DR 08-0003 (Was Re: Material for next week's WG4 Teleconference: Proposed Responses to DRs 08-0001 through 08-0008, and 09-0033)

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Tue Apr 28 06:59:56 CEST 2009

Actuall, the original issue was about the phrase ", which is defined 
as a percentage in 1,000th of a percent" in M., Part 1.  This 
phrase is certainly incorrect and should be removed.

A new title of, which contains "Value with Sign", looks
great.  However, I think that we should also change the titles of other 
subclauses such as "  ST_PositivePercentage (Positive Percentage) ".
Moreover, some types in Part 1 mandate the % character, while types of the 
same names in Part 4 do not.  Should we add "Value with Sign" to the
titles for the types in Part 1 only?

Makoto <EB2M-MRT at asahi-net.or.jp>

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