Questions regarding Custom XML Support

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Thu Aug 27 08:22:05 CEST 2009


>  I'd be interested in collecting specific questions or issues that 
> WG4 is interested in learning more about.

Here is an imaginary use case: Generating Part 1 and standalone Part 4
from a single source.

At present, Part 4 is a collection of differences from Part 1.  Suppose 
that we want to create Part 4 as a standalone document.  In other words, 
the new Part 4 will not normatively reference to Part 1.  Since there
are so many overlaps between Part 1 and such Part 4, I would like to 
generate them from a single source.  Such a source is a set of .docx
documents containing smart tags or Custom XML.  The smart tags or custom 
XML indicate which is specific to Part 4, which is specific to Part 1, 
and which is commmon.

I suppose that smart tags are good enough for this purpose.  They occur 
between paragraphs (as a children of <docPartBody>), within paragraphs 
(as children of <p>), and so forth.  But how can we enter such smart
tags using document editors, and how can we generate Part 1 and Part 4?


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