Issues for the next 2 SC 34/WG4 calls, beyond what Murata-san had listed in his revised agenda

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Thu Jul 16 13:40:08 CEST 2009


Thank you for reminding me of these issues.

> 1.	DR 09-0216 was supposedly closed. However, after I posted my planned
> response, there was a lot of email traffic about this DR. As we have not met
> since then, we have not made a final decision on the resolution.  The Draft
> CORs and AMDs do NOT include any text for this DR.

Alex raised a question about information set contributions (e.g.,
default values added by validation).  Since this is a difficult issue, 
I propose to reopen this issue and postpone it to the Seattle meeting.

> 2.	On July 6, Rick Jelliffe wrote, ". the draft Amendment seems to use
> only the old URIs for relationships. For example, change 98 (p21/ PDF p32)
> s9.11.1 specifies extra linking relationships, but these are all in terms of
> old relationship identifiers. For strict, these certain should use the new
> relationship URIs." What specific changes do I need to make to fix this?

Let's try to solve by e-mail.  (I think that this shouldn't be difficult.)
> 3.	DR 09-0157. We had agreed to close this (and the proposed solution
> is in the draft docs); however, in subsequent mail I see a request to
> re-open this topic, thereby removing it from the first COR/AMD set. We need
> to decide on this.

I think that WG4 can probably agree to close it without action.


SC34/WG4 Convenor
MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)

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