The web form (was Re: Upgrading the 29500 DR Processing System)

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at
Wed Sep 30 05:19:33 CEST 2009

> 1.3 DR submission problems
> When we developed the web form for submitting DRs, we thought that
> this will become by far the most important channel.  Apparently, it is
> not.  Since some editorial defects are best described as changes in
> the DOCX file rather than filling out flat-text-only forms, some
> member bodies continue to use DOCX files for submitting DRs.  The web
> form does not cause any troubles, however.
> Rex> Correct, the web form does not cause any "trouble", but it does make
> work for me. However, let's be careful about the use of "we". I argued
> against it from the start. It is only able to capture initial submissions,
> not track anything beyond that, and it has no support for rich text. As for
> others using an alternate approach to DR submission, that's because I have
> openly encouraged them to do so by providing them with a "blank" DOCX file
> for them to "fill in". 50% of the DRs come to me via that method, which
> makes it trivial for me to integrate them into the DR Log. So, if others
> would submit their DRs that way too, that would reduce my workload.

Having heard that the DR submission web from actually increases the
workload of the project editor, WG4 has to  reconsider the use 
of the web forms, I guess.

The biggest user of that web form is me.  I have no problems in
switching to DOCX files.  Some template documents would help.


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