DR 09-0157 - WML: restriction on ordering of run properties

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Thu Apr 8 00:20:44 CEST 2010

> The modification you're proposing to XML Schema and to Relax NG are no
> equivalent

Yes, the XSD version is intended to be loose and the RNG version is
tight.  Look at the DR Log about the history of this issue.  (Summary: 
XSD did not allow what we first tried.)  

However, while reviewing the proposed changes, I have some 

Why is the element "rPrChange" required to follow any element in RPrBase?

Why are the elements in ParaRPrTrackChanges (namely "ins", "del",
"moveFrom", and "moveTo") required to precede any element in RPrBase?


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