OOXML extension for Japanese Layout Requirements

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Sat Feb 20 01:23:29 CET 2010


> One thing that would help me understand this feature would be to see a sample document.  
> I'm hoping that if I can see a sample document, the relationship between
> this feature and existing margins support will become more evident ( I
> know they're different, I'm just not sure how ).  

W3C Japanese Layout Task Force has already published such examples, 
and they are available at 


This document shows seven examples.  The first one is single column,
vertical writing.  Page 2 shows input parameters, some of which require new 
elements or attributes.  Page 4 shows margins computed from these 
input parameters, where such margins can be represented by OOXML 
as of now.  Page 3 shows a page image.  The other examples are also 
described similarily.

> I'd also like to learn more about how it's used in Japan; perhaps an in-person 
> demo/example in Stockholm could be done?

Sure.  I will speak with people in the task force and the Japanese SC34


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