DR 11-0021 ? WML: Support for DrawingML inadequately specified

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Fri Jun 10 16:26:10 CEST 2011

2011/6/10 Chris Rae <Chris.Rae at microsoft.com>:
> Hi Murata-san - let's indeed talk about this in Berlin, but as the submitter I ought to admit that this was a mistake on my part rather than a deliberate omission - typically when we write up schema changes we only do so once in DRs, but they apply to both Parts 1 and 4. Because the text of Part 4 inherently incorporates Part 1, schema changes must all be replicated unless the DR incorporates a modification to Part 4 stating the removal or exclusion of the feature.


In the 2nd edition, the reference from Part4 to Part 1 is dated.
Thus, no amendments or revisions to
Part 1 will apply to T, unless we revise Part 4 as well.  The only
exception is a COR.


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