eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Sun Jan 1 08:31:45 CET 2012
Dear colleagues,
Happy New Year!
While reading the Ecma XPS specification, I find the following sentence.
The OpenXPS Document format extends package-level interleaving and
digital signatures as described in the OPC Standard.
Does this statement might mean that conformant XPS documents cannot
behandled by conformant OPC engines? I had a quick look at XPS.
Itappears that XPS does introduce some additional requirements and
evensyntactical constructs. I am wondering if some of them
shouldactually be moved to OPC. For example, the content of
17.1.5(Interleaving Optimizations and Digital Signatures) in XPS does
applyto OPC in general.
When we send a liaison statement, we should ask whether OPC should
beextended for better support of XPS and also ask what the above
quotedsentence mean.
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