DR 12-0002 - DML: Missing preset shape guide values

John Haug johnhaug at exchange.microsoft.com
Thu Jan 26 00:57:42 CET 2012


Hi all -
This is a small DR to add to Part 1, section (ST_ShapeType) a few values to the enumeration of values that represent predefined formulas used in the formulas that define shape guides.  The enumerated values use formula syntax that is defined in Part 1, section, so I also proposed adding a sentence pointing to that.  Lastly, in investigating this, a typo was discovered in an electronic annex - the file presetShapeDefinitions.xml in OfficeOpenXML-DrawingMLGeometries.zip that provides the XML defining all the predefined shapes in 29500.

Here is an example of a shape guide element:
<gd name="rh2" fmla="+- hd4 0 d" />
The fmla (formula) attribute defines the formula for the guide.  The prose in section defines "+-" as an Add Subtract Formula, where "+- x y z" is equivalent to "((x+y)-z)".  "hd4" is already defined in Part 1, section as 1/4 of the shape height, or a formula of "*/ h 1.0 4.0".  "h" is already defined as the shape height given by the <spPr> element.  Section defines "*/" as a Multiply Divide Formula following the same pattern as +-.  This DR adds a few items similar to "hd4".

This was raised to us by a user.

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